Copyright Copyleft
Wanna work together?
"Wanna work together" is a short film released by creative commons which gives a brief overview copyright and copyleft. And the kinds of licensing creative commons have to offer.
Unlike free culture or opensource, copyleft allows the general public to reproduce, adapt and distrubute, however every adaption and copies are restricted by the same license. In short copyleft is a license in which the author sacrifices some of their rights to the work. Richard Stallman is a member of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and developed the concept of free not as monetary but as freedom. Stallman developed 4 levels of "freedom".
Creative Commons was founded in 2001 by Lawrence Lessig, and allows members of the public to take material and to some extent manipulate the material. Copy me Remix me is a CD compilation released by creative commons. The general public are able to copy, change, and distrubute each track under various conditions. Below is the conditions for Track 4 "butterflies".
Freedom 0- Freedom to run the programme.
Freedom 1- Freedom to study how the programme works and change it to make it do what you wish
Freedom 2- Freedom to distrubute copies to help your neighbour.
Freedom 3- Freedome to improve the programme and release your improvements to the public, benefitting the whole community.
Freedome 1-3 requires the source code to be openly published because modifying software without the code is innefficient and impractical.