Physical Computing
Arduinos and other physical computing devices are used to connect physical real-world analogue stimuli into computer software inorder to keep track or collect data which can be shared on data sharing websites like Pachube. Devices like this are accurate and anihalate the chance of human error which creates anomolees and unreliable data; or collect data which humans cant physically keep track of.
Haptic Technology
Haptic Technology like viis similar to physical computing and provides the user with another physical sensation. One common example is the vibration feedback when we recieve an incoming call on mobile phones, or the feedback in a gamers steering wheel when playing a racing game on rough terrain. This technology is developing seemless simulation interaction with games to improve the realistic experience.
On the left is an extract taken from the book 'Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical world using Computers' By Dan O'Sullivan and Tom Igoe. This explains the imput, output and processing physical computing